
Secondary motion. Binds a skeleton to a mesh and deforming the mesh as the skeleton moves.

Rigging: Building a skeleton and binding it to a skin mesh.

One possible method:

May need/have

Rigid skinning

ONe vertex to one bone

Linear blend skinning (LBS)

Transformation of vertices by a blend of multiple transforms.

\[p_{w,t} = \sum_{i=1}^n w_iT_{i,t}p_{b,i}\]

Linear blending of matrices becomes a general affine transformation, causing pinching artifacts.

Example based skinning

Example-based skinning methods optimize the structure of the skeleton hierarchy and skinning weights so that the skinned animation approximates the example shapes well.


Runs in realtime (used in games), morph targets/shape interpolation

\[f_j = \sum_k w_k b_{kj}\]

Pose Space deformation

Skeleton driven deformation: deforms mesh shape according to joint angle

Rather than interpolate in time, as with animation curves, or over space, as with meshes, PSD views animation as interpolation over the domain of the character’s pose.

\[\Phi(x) = e^{-\frac{x^2}{2\sigma^2}}\]

Radial Basis Function (RBF): A real valued function $\phi$ whose value is only dependent on distance between input and a fixed point (an origin, or some other center).

Other types: