Computer Graphics

The contents follow the NUS module CS3241 (taken in AY2021/22 S1).

Pipeline summary

Given in order of progress.


Chapter 1 – Intro

Image Formation

Scene: VOLM (Viewer, object, light source, material)

Synthetic Camera Model

Let $d$ be the distance between the virtual plane and the pinhole. By similar triangles, $x_p = \frac{dx}{z}, y_p = \frac{dy}{z}, z_p = d$.

If $O \neq C$​, then for each point $P (x,y,z)$​ on the 3D object in the world space, $\overrightarrow{CP}= \overrightarrow{OP} - \overrightarrow{OC}$​​​.

Color: RGB corresponding to visual tristimulus.

Graphics System Design

API: specifies scene (VOLM), configures/controls the system.

Renderer: produces images using scene info + system config.

Rendering approaches

Ray-tracing: Following rays of light from $C$ to some point $P$ on objects, or go off into infinity.

Radiosity: Slow, non-general energy based approach

Polygon Rasterization: For each new polygon (primitive) generated, its pixels are assigned.

Representation of Objects

Objects are meshes of polygonal primitives.

Each primitive is rendered through this pipeline.

GL Pipeline

  1. Vertex Processor
  2. Clipper, primitive assembler
  3. Rasterization
  4. Fragment processing
  5. Per-fragment & Frame Buffer operations

Frame Buffer

The region of memory that holds color and depth data via the attached color and depth buffers.


Required: Functions to specify VOLM, I/O, system capacities (e.g. how many light sources can be supported?)

Primitives are defined with vertices.

	glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	glVertex3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
	glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

Camera is specified with

Light source is specified with

Material attributes are

Chapter 2 – Elementary OpenGL

History of OpenGL

The success of IRIS GL, the graphics API for the world’s first graphics hardware pipeline, led to OpenGL (1992). It’s a platform-independent API.


State Machine

Primitive Generation: if primitive is visible, then try output. Appearance depends on the primitive’s state.

State Changing: e.g. Color changing is a state changing function. Changes the “pen color” state to $\textcolor{red}{\textsf{RED}}$ for instance, then it assigns those primitives affected to state $\textcolor{red}{\textsf{RED}}$​​.

OpenGL pipeline

OpenGL pipeline

Function format

All vectors are represented as a 4D vector by default internally.


Program structure

Commands are sent to a command queue/buffer.

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    glutInit(&argc, argv);
    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB);
    glutInitWindowSize(h, w);
    glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0);
    glutDisplayFunc(mydisplay); // mydisplay is the display callback
    glutMainLoop(); // if anything happens, calls mydisplay to refresh
void init() {
	glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // black clear color + opaque window
    glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // set fill to white
    glOrtho(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0); // FOV setting.
    // the square is *enclosed* in the FOV.

Coordinate Systems

At the beginning, object coordinates = world coordinates. The camera is positioned in world.

Then a viewing volume must be set. It is specified in camera/eye/view coordinates.

Internally OpenGL converts vertices to eye coordinates with GL_MODELVIEW, and then to window coordinates with GL_PROJECTION.

Viewing volume: The finite volume in world space in which objects can be seen. The coordinates are set relative to the camera’s coordinates (eye coordinates).

Projection plane: In OpenGL this is equivalent to the near plane which is always perpendicular to the z axis of the camera coordinate axis. Note: near plane (negative z direction), far plane (positive z direction)

Polygon problems

OpenGL only renders Simple, Convex, Flat polygons.


RGB Color Coordinates

glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH) allows smooth interpolation of colors across the interior of the polygon.

glShadeModel(GL_FLAT) picks one vertex to follow its color



3D drawing

Here the order in which polygons are drawn matters, otherwise hidden surface removal would be necessary to prevent surfaces “clipping” through one another.

How do we make a 3D Sierpinski Gasket given the code for a 2D one?

Cheap Trick

3D Gasket from subdividing 4 surfaces.

4 different Sierpinski triangles (see reds, blues, blacks and greens).

However the triangles are drawn in the order defined by the program, the black , red and blue triangles may not always be in front of the reds as desired.

Wrong depths of surfaces

Hidden surface removal

OpenGL now must use HSR via the z-buffer algorithm that saves depth info (via depth buffer, aka z-buffer) as only objects with lowest z-value at that pixel are rendered.

Chapter 3 – Input and Interaction

The display loop:

Input Physical properties – Mouse, Keyboard etc. Contains trigger which sends a signal to the OS.

Input Logical properties – What is returned to the program via an API (the measure).

Event mode

Trigger generates event. Event measure is entered into event queue.


The main programming interface for event-driven input. For each type of event the system recognizes, we define a callback.

e.g. glutMouseFunc(mymouse) means mymouse is set as the mouse callback to handle any mouse clicking.

GLUT Callback loop

On each pass of the event loop, for each event in the queue, GLUT calls the callback function if it is defined.

e.g. The display callback is executed whenever window needs to be refreshed.

Display animation

To redraw the display, we usually call glClear() first. But the frame buffer is decoupled from the display of the contents when cleared. Partially drawn display will then flicker.

Double buffering:

void mydisplay() {
	glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|...) // on the back buffer
	/* draw my graphics*/
	glutSwapBuffers(); // push the back to the front and front to the back

Idle callback: glutIdleFunc(myidle)

void myidle() {
	t += dt
	glutPostRedisplay(); // mark to update image.
void mydisplay() { /* draws something that depends on t */}

Note that since the signatures of all GLUT callbacks are fixed, to pass around variables we need to use globals.

Examples of callbacks

  1. Mouse callback
  2. Positioning (note openGL window coordinates start from bottom-left, mouse coordinates start from top-left)
  3. Motion callback glutMotionFunc(...) and glutPassiveMotionFunc(...)
  4. Keyboard callbacks glutKeyboardFunc(...)
  5. Window resizing glutReshapeFunc(...): good place to put viewing functions, since it is invoked from window first opening.

Reshape callbacks


void myReshape(int w, int h) {
	glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
    /* set projection matrix here! */

Viewport aspect ratio = Window aspect ratio:

// l, r, b, t are the original left right bottom top coordinates.
if (w <= h)
	gluOrtho2D( l, r, b * (GLfloat) h / w, t * (GLfloat) h / w );
	gluOrtho2D( l * (GLfloat) w / h, r * (GLfloat) w / h, b, t );

Resize exactly (clip if necessary):

// l, x, b, y are the original left (right-left) bottom (top-bottom) values.
// This version anchors to the bottom left.
gluOrtho2D( l, l + x * h/origWinWidth, b, b + y * h/origWinHeight );

Chapter 4 – Vector Geometry

Representation of Vector Space

Affine space. Vector space without a fixed origin. Between 2 points we have a displacement/translation vector.

Frame. Adding a single point to the affine space as an origin.


Note: we only need to transform endpoints of line segments, points on the line segment itself is drawn by the implementation.

Type Matrix
Translation $T(d_x, d_y, d_z)$
$T^{-1}(v) = T(-v)$​
$\left[ \matrix{1 & 0 & 0 & d_x \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & d_y \\0 & 0 & 1 & d_z \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1} \right]$
Rotation $R_z(\theta)$​
$R^{-1}(\theta) = R(-\theta)\\ = R(\theta)^T$​
$\left[ \matrix{\cos\theta & \sin\theta & 0 & d_x \\ -\sin\theta & \cos\theta & 0 & d_y \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & d_z \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1} \right]$
Scaling $S(s_x, s_y, s_z)$​
$S^{-1}(v) = S(1/v)$
$\left[ \matrix{s_x & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & s_t & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & s_z & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1} \right]$
Shear $H(\theta)$​​
(Note that this
shear matrix does $x’ = x+ y\cot\theta$​.)
$\left[ \matrix{1 & \cot\theta & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1} \right]$

Instancing. Starting with a simple object @origin, @original size, we can apply an instance transformation to scale/orientate/locate.

Rotate object about point $p_f$: $M = T(p_f)R(\theta)T(-p_f)$.

OpenGL Transformations

Matrix modes. Matrices are part of the state, and matrix modes provide a set of functions for manipulation. GL_MODELVIEW and GL_PROJECTION are two such matrices.

A vertex position is transformed by the following matrices and operations in each of the subsequent frames.\label{GLtransformations}

Each mode has a 4x4 homogenous coordinate matrix. The current transformation matrix (CTM) is part of this state and applied to all vertices down this pipeline. $p’ = Cp$ where $C$ is the CTM.

GL_MODELVIEW used to transform objects into world space (also position camera, but gluLookAt does that better). GL_PROJECTION is used to define the view volume.

function (each has double ver. too) effect
glLoadIdentity() loads $I$
glRotatef(theta, vx, vy, vz) post-multiply $R(\theta)$. $[vx, vy, vz]$​​​ are rotation axes
glTranslatef(dx, dy, dz) post-multiply $T(dx, dy, dz)$
glScalef(sx, sy, sz) post-multiply $S(sx, sy, sz)$​​​​
glLoadMatrixf(m) loads 4x4 matrix $M$​ as a float[16]
glMultMatrixf(m) post-multiply $M$.

Matrix Stacks

	glRotated(i*45.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // pushed each of these onto a stack
	glTranslated(10.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	glScaled(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
	DrawSquare(); // Apply stacked matrix to the element (square)
glPopMatrix(); // Emptied out stack

Chapter 5 – Camera posing

Camera pose

Pose. Position + Orientation. Done by view transformation.

Projection. Orthographic vs Perspective.

Prerequisite: object geometry to be set and placed the world coordinate.


Projectors. lines that either

They preserve lines but not necessarily angles (in the 2D image). Preserving here means that the angles between 2 vectors in the object are the same as that in the image.

Perspective projection

Computer vision

MODELVIEW actually is a combination of the modelling transformation first (to the world space), and the view transformation (to the eye/camera space). PROJECTION matrix brings this to the clip space, and so on.



View Transformation

gluLookAt(eyex, eyey, eyez, atx, aty, atz, upx, upy, upz)

Camera’s coordinate vectors $u, v, n$​​ are then derived in the $x,y,z$​​ directions respectively.

View transformation matrix

So all points in world frame are expressed wrt the camera frame.

\[M_{view} = \left[ \begin{matrix} u_x & u_y & u_z & 0 \\ v_x & v_y & v_z & 0 \\ n_x & n_y & n_z & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \right] \left[ \begin{matrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & -e_x \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & -e_y \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & -e_z \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ \end{matrix} \right]\]

(We can use $u, v, n$​ directly in $R$​ because they are unit vectors in the desired directions)

Normal vectors’ transformation matrix:

$M_n = (M_t^{-1})^T$, where $M_t$ is the top left 3x3 submatrix of $M$.

3x3 matrix is enough cos it does not have position (thus $M_n$ would be an affine transformation).

Since rotation matrices are orthogonal, $R^{-1} = R^T$. Thus if $M$ is a rotational matrix, $M_n = M_t$.

Projection matrix

Defined with a view (clipping) volume in the camera frame, and is specified in camera space.

The projection matrix is computed such that it maps to the canonical view volume ($2^3$ cube) in Normalized Device Coordinates (NDC) space. Criteria

At the end of each vertex shader run, OpenGL expects the coordinates to be within a specific range and any coordinate that falls outside this range is clipped. Coordinates that are clipped are discarded, so the remaining coordinates will end up as fragments visible on your screen. This is also where clip space gets its name from.


Orthographic projection

Mapping from $(right,top,-far) \rightarrow (1, 1, 1)$, and $(left,bottom,-near) \rightarrow (-1, -1, -1)$.

Projection mapping

Orthographic projection matrix (Clip to NDC):

\[\begin{aligned} M_{ortho} =& S(\frac{2}{right - left}, \frac{2}{top-bottom}, \frac{2}{near-far}) \cdot \\ & T(\frac{-(right+left)}{2}, \frac{-(top+bottom)}{2}, \frac{far+near}{2}) \end{aligned}\]
  1. Translate the midpoint (take the averages of the dimensions)
  2. Scale the cuboid to the $2^3$​ cube.
  3. Now each coordinate $x_{NDC},y_{NDC},z_{NDC} \in [-1, 1]$​.

Viewport transformation (NDC to Window Space):

The viewport here is defined by $(x_{vp}, y_{vp})$​ (the lower left corner), $w,h$​.

\[\begin{aligned} \frac{x_{NDC} - (-1)}{2} &= \frac{x_{win} - x_{vp}}{w} \Rightarrow x_{win} = x_{vp} + \frac{w(x_{NDC} + 1)}{2} \\ \frac{y_{NDC} - (-1)}{2} &= \frac{y_{win} - y_{vp}}{h} \Rightarrow y_{win} = y_{vp} + \frac{h(y_{NDC} + 1)}{2} \\ &z_{win} = \frac{z_{NDC} + 1}{2} \end{aligned}\]

Squashed into the $x,y$​ plane. $z$​ is retained (between 0 and 1) for hidden surface removal.

Perspective Projection

Mapping from $(right,top,-far) \rightarrow (1, 1, 1)$, and $(left,bottom,-near) \rightarrow (-1, -1, -1)$.

Frustum Mapping

Perspective Division:

Should happen after clipping to prevent any division by zeroes (for a vertex at $z = 0$)

Essentially using similar triangles (as described in first chapter) to get coordinates adjusted for perspective depth. note that $z_p = d$​​​​, the projection plane.

\[\begin{aligned} &\frac{x_p}{x} = \frac{d}{z}, \quad \frac{y_p}{y} = \frac{d}{z}, \quad z_p = d \\ \Rightarrow& x_p = \frac{x}{z/d}, x_p = \frac{y}{z/d}, z_p = \frac{z}{z/d} \\ \end{aligned}\]

Perspective projection matrix

gluPerspective(fovy, aspect, near, far) specifies a symmetric view volume.


Chapter 6 – Clipping, Rasterization & Hidden-Surface Removal

Clipping algorithms for line segments

Naive (Brute force):

Find intersections of 2D line segments with the clipping window.


Eliminate all easy cases without computing intersections.

  1. Both endpoints in window: Accept as-is
  2. One inside window, one outside: Compute intersection
  3. Both endpoints outside in same line: Reject
  4. Both outside different boundary lines: May have part inside, compute intersection

Outcodes are defined for each area:


Let $F(A,B)$​ represent the clipping requirement of the line segment $AB$​. $F(A,B)$​​ equals 2 if it is not clipped out, 1 if it is partially clipped out, and 0 if it is fully clipped out.

\[F(A, B) = \begin{cases} 2 & A = 0 \text{ and } B = 0 \\ 1 & A = 0 \text{ and } B \neq 0 \\ 0 & A \text{ AND } B \text{ (bitwise)} \neq 0 \\ 1 & A \neq 0 \text{ and } B \neq 0 \text{ and } A \text{ AND } B \text{ (bitwise)} = 0 \end{cases}\]

To compute the last case: shorten line segment by intersecting with one of the sides, recursively compute outcode until $A = B = 0$. For 3D, we have 6-bit outcodes ($9 \times 3 = 27$​ of them, each prefixed with 00, 01, or 10).

Clipping in clip space

Clip space: After projection matrix, before perspective division.

If vertex $[x_{clip}, y_{clip}, z_{clip}, w_{clip}]$ is in canonical view volume $[-1,1]^3$ after perspective division, we must have $-1 \leq x_{clip} / w_{clip} \leq 1 \Rightarrow -w_{clip} \leq x_{clip} \leq w_{clip}$​, and similarly for $y, z$. These define the clipping planes.

Polygon Clipping

To be clipped Yields
Line segment 1
General Polygon $\geq 1$
Convex polygon 1

Hence change polygons to convex polygons (tessellation), commonly using triangulation.

Pipeline clipping

All line segments pass through top clipping, then bottom clipping, and so on until final form. Similar for polygons (with front and back clippers.)

However small increase in latency.

Simple Early Acceptance and Rejection

Not implemented in pipeline.

  1. Draw a bounding box
  2. Is the whole bounding box inside? Accept? Wholly outside? Reject
  3. Otherwise, enforce detailed clipping


Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA)

Straight lines $y = mx + b$​ satisfies differential equation $\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{y_e - y_0}{x_e - x_0}$​​.

Case 1: $0 \leq |m| \leq 1$​​​. Loop through each pixel $(x_i, y_i) = (x_0 + i, y_{i-1} + m)$​​.

Case 2: $|m| > 1$​​​​​. Then note that $0 \leq \frac{1}{|m|} \leq 1$​​​​​. Hence loop through each pixel $(x_i, y_i) = (x_{i-1} + m, y_0 + i)$​​​​​​.

Bressenham’s Algorithm

Saves time because of no floating point computations. Let $x_k, y_k$​​ be the current pixel locations (integers).

Candidates for binary choice

Note that:

Here since $d_{upper} > d_{lower}$, we choose to shade $(x_k + 1, y_k)$.But how does it save FP computation time? Compute decision variable $p_k$ for pixel $k$: If $p_k < 0$ plot lower pixel, if $p_k > 0$ plot upper pixel.

\[\begin{aligned} p_k =& \Delta x(d_{lower} - d_{upper}) \\ =& \Delta x(y - y_k - (y_k+1) + y) \\ =& \Delta x(2y - 2y_k - 1) \\ =& 2x_k \Delta y - 2y_k \Delta x + c' \end{aligned}\]

Incremental form:

Since $p_{k+1} - p_k = 2(x_{k+1} - x_k)\Delta y + 2(y_{k+1} - y_k)\Delta x$​, we have

Circle algorithm:

See Bressenham’s circle algorithm.

Polygon Scan Conversion (Fill)

Horizontal scanlines: Get both endpoints by interpolating the line segment they are each on.

The scanline is then formed by interpolating c4, c5


from a seed point located inside, scan-convert the edges using edge color (recursively).

flood_fill(int x, int y) {
	if (A[x][y] == WHITE) {
		A[x][y] = BLACK;
		flood_fill(x-1, y);
		flood_fill(x+1, y);
		flood_fill(x, y+1);
		flood_fill(x, y-1);

Back-face culling

Eliminate back-facing + invisible polygons (e.g. cube only have 3 faces facing viewport at all times. The rest can be culled.) $N_\text{face} \cdot V_\text{camera to vertex} \leq 0$​​​.

In OpenGL, if the vertices on a plane are specified counterclockwise, that face is front-facing.

Fragment processing

z-buffer and z-fighting

Can be remedied by reducing the distance between near and far planes in view volume, or increasing the floating point accuracy of the z-buffer.

Chapter 7 – Illumination and Shading


Given point on surface, light source, viewpoint: compute color of point

Local Illumination

OpenGL implementation

\[I_\text{OpenGL} = k_e +I_{ga}k_a + \sum_i [I_{a,i}k_a + I_{d,i}k_d(N \cdot L_i) + L_{s,i}k_s(R_i \cdot V)^n]\]

Phong Illumination Equation

Efficient, acceptable image quality. Ambient ($I_a k_a$​​​​), diffuse ($f_{\text{att}} I_p k_d (N \cdot L)$​​​​), and specular ($f_{\text{att}} I_p k_s (R \cdot L)^n$​​​​​​) components. Single light source below:

\[I_{\text{Phong}} = \left[ \begin{matrix} r \\ g \\ a \end{matrix} \right] = I_a k_a + f_{\text{att}} I_p k_d (N \cdot L) + f_{\text{att}} I_p k_s (R \cdot L)^n\]

Multiple light sources $L_i$:

\[I_{\text{Phong}} = \left[ \begin{matrix} r \\ g \\ a \end{matrix} \right] = I_a k_a + f_{\text{att}} I_p \sum_{i}[ k_d (N \cdot L_i) + k_s (R \cdot L_i)^n ]\]

Simplified: \(I_{\text{Phong}} = I_a k_a + I_p [k_d (N \cdot L) + k_s (R \cdot L)^n]\)

Illustration of unit vectors and angles for the Phong model.

The “constant” variables below are the material properties

Variable Name Task
$I_a$ Ambient illumination RGB triplet lighting all visible surfaces
$k_a$ Ambient constant (0..1) RGB triplet for the particular material
$f_{att}$ Attenuation factor $\frac{1}{a + bd + cd^2}$​ for some constants $a,b,c$​. In many cases, $f_\text{att} = 1$​.
$I_p$ Point illumination RGB triplet for this light source
$k_d$​​ Diffuse constant (0..1) RGB triplet for the particular material
$k_s$ Specular constant RGB triplet for the particular material
$n$ Shininess constant (1..128) Controls the range of angles that get strong specularity

Blinn-Phong Illumination

\[I_{\text{Blinn-Phong}} = I_a k_a + f_{\text{att}} I_p k_d (N \cdot L) + f_{\text{att}} I_p k_s (\textcolor{blue}{N \cdot H})^n\]

$H$​​​ is the halfway vector between $L$​​​ and $V$​​​​​. Since $| L | = | V | = 1$​, we have $H = (L + V)/ |L + V |$​​.

Since generally $\theta_{H, N} \leq \theta_{R, V}$​​, the specular highlights in Blinn-Phong are larger.

Advantage over Phong: omission of $R$ reduces computation necessary

Blinn-Phong model

Surface normals

Vertex normals

Global illumination


Given polygon, rasterization: compute color of fragment

Note that Phong Shading is not the same as PIE.

Shading types

Shading a sphere:

A sphere can be broken into $n$​ latitudinal lines and $2m$​​​ longitudinal lines. each polygon formed by intersecting two adjacent longitudinal lines and two adjacent latitudinal lines share a normal in flat shading.

Sphere reference

Note: point on sphere on lines $(i,j)$​ ($i$ is latitude, $j$​ is longitude) has \(p = \left[ \begin{matrix} r\sin(i\pi/n)\cos(j\pi/m) \\ r\cos(i\pi/n)\cos(j\pi/m) \\ r\sin(j\pi/m) \end{matrix} \\ \right]\)

Chapter 8 – Texture mapping

The forward mapping (texture to screen) involves:

  1. Surface parameterization: Texture space $(s,t)$​ to Object space $(x,y,z)$​​.
  2. Projection: Object space to Window space (with other polygons).

There also is a different implementation using inverse mapping: given pixel $(x_s, y_s)$​​, lookup the pixel’s pre-image in texture space. This is more suitable for polygon-based raster graphics, and is the implementation in OpenGL.

Forward and inverse mapping

Surface parameterization

Defines surface point to texel mapping: $(x,y,z) \leftrightarrow (s,t)$​. (Range of texture coordinates $(s,t) \in [0, 1]^2$​​.)

Per polygon, only the vertices coordinates’ mappings are specified (the rest are interpolated by the rasterizer), either manually (for complex objects), or via two-part texture mapping (for simple objects).

Two-part texture mapping involves:

S-mappings include mappings to plane, cylinder, sphere etc.

O-mappings include:

Mapping Description
Dependent on view vector.
Useful for environment mapping.
Ray from surface point
along object surface normal
Ray from center through surface point
Ray from intermediate surface point
through object surface point

Inverse mapping by bilinear interpolation

Pre-image is the texture area that the fragment maps to in texture space.

For each texture coordinate $(s, t)$ we can get:

Interpolation in a triangle polygon Interpolation of 4 texels

Texture filtering: determine the texture color of a fragment using the colors of the nearest 4 texels. May be implemented via bilinear interpolation.

Performing bilinear interpolation:

Bilinear Interpolation

Wrapping modes

Clamp: $wrap(u, v) = (|u|, |v|)$

Repeated (useful for tiling): $wrap(u, v) = (u\ \% \ 1.0, v\ \% \ 1.0)$​


Can happen due to:

Anti-aliasing via mipmapping

By area-sampling each fragment, and then averaging the color that it is mapped to in the texture space.

Mipmapping: By pre-filtering texture maps, makes AA real-time performance-friendly. Successively averages each 2x2 texels until size = 1x1. Mipmap Level 0 is the original image, and Mipmap Level $\log(n)$​ is the 1x1 map. (“Level”: level of texture minification.)


Selecting mipmap levels: If pre-image corresponds to $n^2$​​ texels we choose Mipmap Level $\lfloor \log n \rfloor$​.

Or in the case of trilinear texture map interpolation, we interpolate between $\lfloor \log n \rfloor$ and $\lceil \log n \rceil$.


  1. Modulation textures (modulates diffuse color, specularity, transparency)
  2. Environment mapping
  3. Bump mapping, light mapping, shadow mapping, displacement mapping…
  4. Image-based rendering, non-photorealistic rendering…

Environment mapping

Shortcut to rendering shiny objects:

  1. Mapping the image of the surrounding into a texture map (cubemap)
  2. Use the reflected eye ray O-mapping method to map to the object

Drawbacks compared to raytracing

Bump (displacement) mapping

Provides a set of normals to offset the real surface’s normals by for use during lighting computation.

Bump mapping

Image based rendering (billboarding)

The texture plane is always rotated to face the view ray. (Imagine the billboards turning to face you however you turn.)

OpenGL Texture mapping

Fragment processing stage: the fragment color can be modified by texture application, mapped via texture access (using interpolated coordinates).

Function Task
glGenTextures(int n, uint* textures) Creates $n$ textures, puts ids in textures.
glBindTextures(enum target, uint texture) Binds texture to target.
glTexParameteri(enum target, enum pname, int param) Sets parameter of target.
glTexEnvf(enum target, enum pname, const float* params) Texture environment specification. i.e. How should target texture be applied onto fragment?
void init(void) {
    // Specifies memory alignment of each pixel, 1 -> byte-alignment.
    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
    glGenTextures(1, &texObj); 
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texObj);
    // GL_LINEAR: 4 nearest texel interpolation. not mipmapped.
    // Maps texture image onto each primitive active for texturing.
    glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, imageWidth, imageHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texImage);

void display(void) {
    // Activates texturing
    // how texture values are applied to the fragment 
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texObj);
    // map Texture Coordinates <-> Objects coordinates
	    glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0); glVertex3f(-2.0, -1.0, 0.0);
    	// ...

To generate mipmaps:

void init(void) {
    // ...
    gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_RGBA, imageWidth, imageHeight, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texImage)

Chapter 9 – Ray casting & tracing


Ray casting

  1. Fixed viewpoint
  2. For each pixel, shoot a ray from the viewpoint through the pixel
    1. For each object,
    2. If it has an intersection with the ray, and is the closest,
    3. Transfer the color of the object to the pixel.

Ray tracing

Upon each intersection, the object hit may continue to shoot out secondary rays that are:

Whitted (Recursive) Ray Tracing


\[\begin{aligned} I &= I_{\text{local}} + k_{rg}I_\text{reflection} + k_{tg}I_\text{transmitted} \\ I_\text{local} &= I_ak_a + I_\text{source}[k_d(N \cdot L) + k_r(R \cdot V)^n + k_t(T \cdot V)^m] \end{aligned}\]

Example of ray-tracing

At each intersection we need to do a lighting computation and produce the reflected rays.

Variable Name Task
$k_r$ Reflected specular constant (0..1) Replaces the specular constant $k_s$
$k_t$​ Transmitted constant (0..1) For transparent/translucent materials
$I_\text{transmitted}$ Intensity of transmitted light Back-propagated from the next intersection of a refracted ray

Reflected specular: Essentially the same as the specular except that that its the reflected light, not just the highlight

Note that this equation is recursive due to the $I_\text{reflection}$ and $I_\text{transmitted}$ values to be computed.​

Left: reflected specular; Right: transmission



$R = 2N\cos \theta - L = 2(N \cdot L)N - L$


Snell’s law: $\mu_1 \sin \theta = \mu_2 \sin \phi$​. Let $\mu = \frac{\mu_1}{\mu_2}$​​, then

\[\begin{aligned} T &= -\mu L + \left( \mu(\cos\theta) - \sqrt{1 - \mu^2(1-\cos^2\theta)} \right)N \\ &= -\mu L + \left( \mu(N \cdot L) - \sqrt{1 - \mu^2(1-(N \cdot L)^2)} \right)N \end{aligned}\]

Ray Tree (Recursion)

$k$ levels of recursion = $k$ reflection/refraction vectors in this case (i.e. 0 levels of recursion means eye to object ray only.) \(\begin{aligned} I &= I_{\text{local}, 0} + I_{\text{reflected}, 0} + I_{\text{transmitted}, 0} \\ &= I_{\text{local}, 0} + I_{\text{local}, 1} + I_{\text{reflected}, 1} + I_{\text{local}, 1} + I_{\text{transmitted}, 1} \\ &= \dots \end{aligned}\)

Ray Tree

Shadow Rays

\[I_\text{local} = I_ak_a + \textcolor{red}{k_\text{shadow}}I_\text{source}[\dots],\quad \textcolor{red}{k_\text{shadow} \in \{0,1\}}\]

Shoot another ray from view ray’s intersection point towards the light source to tell if that spot is illuminated.

Hence shadow constant turns the diffuse, specular and transmitted values on or off.

Only need to find one opaque occluder to determine occlusion.

Translucent shadow rays (occlusion by translucent object)

Total ray count

Scene Descriptions in Ray tracing

Stop recursion when…


Ray = $P(t) = O(x,y,z) + t(\text{direction}(x,y,z))$​

For the following primitives, substitute $p = O(x,y,z) + tD$ in and find $t$.

Plane = $Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 \Rightarrow N \cdot p + D = 0$​ for point $p$​ on plane​

Sphere = $x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - r^2 = 0 \Rightarrow p\cdot p - r^2 = 0$​ for point $p$​​ from sphere origin.

Axis-aligned box (AABB):

Triangle (polygon): Using the barycentric coordinates method

$P = \alpha A + \beta B + \gamma C = \textcolor{limegreen}{A + \beta (B - A) + \gamma (C - A)}$​​ where $\alpha + \beta + \gamma = 1$​​ and $0 \leq \alpha, \beta, \gamma \leq 1$​​​.

\[\begin{aligned} O+ \textcolor{royalblue}{t}D &= A + \textcolor{royalblue}{\beta} (B - A) + \textcolor{royalblue}{\gamma} (C - A) \\ A - O &= \textcolor{royalblue}{\beta} (A - B) + \textcolor{royalblue}{\gamma} (A - C) + \textcolor{royalblue}{t}D \\ \left[ \begin{matrix} A_x - O_x \\ A_y - O_y \\ A_z - O_z \\ \end{matrix} \right] &= \left[ \begin{matrix} \beta (A_x - B_x) + \gamma (A_x - C_x) + tD_x \\ \beta (A_y - B_y) + \gamma (A_y - C_y) + tD_y \\ \beta (A_z - B_z) + \gamma (A_z - C_z) + tD_z \\ \end{matrix} \right] \\ &= \left[ \begin{matrix} (A_x - B_x) & (A_x - C_x) & D_x \\ (A_y - B_y) & (A_y - C_y) & D_y \\ (A_z - B_z) & (A_z - C_z) & D_z \\ \end{matrix} \right] \left[ \begin{matrix} \beta \\ \gamma \\ t \\ \end{matrix} \right] \\ & \text{can be solved with Cramer's rule.} \end{aligned}\]

Note: the centroid of a triangle is located at $p = \frac{1}{3} (A+B+C)$

General polygon:

  1. Compute ray-plane intersection
  2. Determine if intersection is in polygon.

Epsilon problem

Due to floating point errors, the intersection may be “slightly below the surface”. This leads to self occlusion during shadow feeling. Methods to deal with it:

  1. Use an $\epsilon$ and accept an intersection only if $t > \epsilon$ threshold.
  2. When a new ray is spawned, advance the ray ($O + tD$) origin by $\epsilon D$​.

$\epsilon$ is based on the floating point accuracy.


Limitations of Whitted Raytracing

  1. Hard shadows only. $k_\text{shadow} \in {0,1}$

  2. Inconsistency between highlights and reflections:

    a. Light: Phong Illumination Model

    b. Shadow: Shadow ray reflection

  3. Aliasing (jaggies). each area either intersects or doesn’t.

  4. Computes only some kinds of light transports. Doesn’t include:

    1. Caustics (focus light on bottom of pool)
    2. Color bleeding

Acceleration techniques

  1. Adaptive recursive depth control
  2. First-hit speed up with z-buffer
  3. Bounding volumes (hierarchies)
    1. Must enclose the object as tightly as possible
    2. Must be fast to compute
    3. In order to accurately skip the expensive intersection computation between a ray and a complex object
  4. Spatial subdivision
    1. Uniform grid,
    2. Octree
    3. Binary Space Partitioning (BSP)

Vs Rasterization

Rasterization converts primitives to pixels

Raytracing converts pixels to primitives

Chapter 10 – Curves and Surfaces


  1. More compact representation than group of straight line segments
  2. Scalable geometry primitives
  3. Smoother, continuous primitives
  4. Faster animation, collision detection



Explicit form

Implicit form

Parametric polynomial curves

Curves $p$ in 2D/3D, and their tangents $p’$: 1 parameter $u$​.

\[p(u) = \left[ \begin{matrix} x(u) \\ y(u) \\ z(u) \end{matrix} \right], \quad p'(u) = \left[ \begin{matrix} x'(u) \\ y'(u) \\ z'(u) \end{matrix} \right]\]

Surfaces $p$ in 3D, and their normals: 2 parameters $u,v$​.

\[p(u,v) = \left[ \begin{matrix} x(u,v) \\ y(u,v) \\ z(u,v) \end{matrix} \right], \quad \vec{n} = \frac{\partial p(u,v)}{\partial u} \times \frac{\partial p(u,v)}{\partial v}\]

Parametric curves are not unique. But they are the most used because they fit the criteria here (and are easy to render too). Note on stability: not generally true, but holds for lower degree polynomials.

For curve segments in 2D/3D, bound by $u$​​ and represented as:

\[p(u) = \left[ \begin{matrix} x(u) \\ y(u) \\ z(u) \end{matrix} \right] = \sum_{k=0}^n u^k\left[ \begin{matrix} c_{x,k} \\ c_{y,k} \\ c_{z,k} \end{matrix} \right] \quad \text{where $c_{\_, k}$ are constants, and } u\in[0, 1].\]

For surface patches in 3D, bound by $u$​​ and represented as:

\[p(u) = \left[ \begin{matrix} x(u) \\ y(u) \\ z(u) \end{matrix} \right] = \sum_{j=0}^n\sum_{k=0}^n u_j v_k\left[ \begin{matrix} c_{x,j,k} \\ c_{y,j,k} \\ c_{z,j,k} \end{matrix} \right] \quad \text{where $c_{\_, k}$ are constants, and } u\in[0, 1].\]

You can obtain $p$ via matrix multiplication as such, where $c = [c_{x,k} \quad c_{t,k} \quad c_{x,k}]^T$.

\[p(u) = \left[ \begin{matrix} 1 & u & u^2 & u^3 \end{matrix} \right] \left[ \begin{matrix} c_0 \\ c_1 \\ c_2 \\ c_3 \end{matrix} \right] = u^{T}c\]

Curve implementations

Cubic interpolating curves

In practice we specify curve segments geometrically with control points.

Type Polynomial constraints
Curve segment
$p(0) = p_0$​​
$p(1/3) = p_1$​​
$p(2/3) = p_2$​​
$p(1) = p_3$​​.
Surface patch
Interpolate the points along
each red curve respectively.

Blending functions interpolate in a way that satisfies exactly its variations along the edges of a square domain, graphical representation below.

Cubic interpolating graph

\[\begin{aligned} p_{0,1,2,3} &= \left[ \begin{matrix} p_0 \\ p_1 \\ p_2 \\ p_3 \end{matrix} \right] = Ac = \left[ \begin{matrix} 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 1/3 & (1/3)^2 & (1/3)^3 \\ 1 & 2/3 & (2/3)^2 & (2/3)^3 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \end{matrix} \right] \left[ \begin{matrix} c_0 \\ c_1 \\ c_2 \\ c_3 \end{matrix} \right] \\ \Rightarrow c &= A^{-1}p_{0,1,2,3} \\ \Rightarrow p(u) &= u^{T}c = \textcolor{red}{u^TA^{-1}}p_{0,1,2,3} \\ &= \textcolor{red}{ \left[ \begin{matrix} b_0(u) & b_1(u) & b_2(u) & b_3(u) \end{matrix} \right]} \left[ \begin{matrix} p_0 \\ p_1 \\ p_2 \\ p_3 \end{matrix} \right] \quad \textbf{(blending functions)} \\ \end{aligned}\]

Cubic interpolating patch

\[p(u,v) = \sum_{i=0}^3 \sum_{j=0}^3 \textcolor{red}{u^iv^j} c_{ij} = u^TCv\]

where $v = [1 \quad v \quad v^2 \quad v^3]^T$. Note that the interpolating patch does not use the blending functions.

Geometric and parametric continuity

Type Illustration
$C^0$​ parametric continuity
(also $G^0$):
$C^1$ parametric continuity
$G^1$ geometric continuity $p’(1) = \alpha q’(0)$​ for some $\alpha > 0$​
i.e. $p’(1)$​ is parallel to $q’(0)$​
$C^2$ parametric continuity $p”(1) = q”(0)$​

Generally we have

Bezier curves

A Bezier curve of degree $n$ is a linear interpolation of 2 corresponding points in Bezier curves of degree $n-1$​. A Bezier curve of degree $n$ has $n$ control points $P_0, P_1, \dots, P_n$:

As such a Bezier curve of degree $n$ has $B’(0) = n(p_1-p_0), B’(1) = n(p_n-p_{n-1})$.​

Cubic Bezier curves

Type Polynomial constraints
Curve segment
$p(0) = p_0$​​​​​
$p(1) = p_3$​​​​​
$p’(0) = 3(p_1 - p_0)$​​​
$p’(1) = 3(p_3 - p_2)$
Surface patch
Interpolate the points along
each red curve respectively.
\[\begin{aligned} M_B &= \left[ \begin{matrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ -3 & 3 & 0 & 0 \\ 3 & 6 & 3 & 0 \\ -1 & 3 & -3 & 1 \end{matrix} \right] \\ \Rightarrow c &= M_B p_{0,1,2,3} \\ \Rightarrow p(u) &= u^{T}c = \textcolor{red}{u^T M_B}p_{0,1,2,3} \\ &= \textcolor{red}{ \left[ \begin{matrix} (1-u)^3 \\ 3u(1-u)^2 \\ 3u^2(1-u) \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right] } \cdot \left[ \begin{matrix} p_0 \\ p_1 \\ p_2 \\ p_3 \end{matrix} \right] \quad \textbf{(Bernstein polynomials)}\\ \end{aligned}\]

Blending functions of the cubic Bezier graph are also called Bernstein polynomials (of degree 3). For $0 \leq u \leq 1$, they satisfy:

The below shows the Bernstein polynomials. Note that the sum $p(u) = \sum_i b_i(u)p_i$​​ is a convex sum, and the curve is contained in a convex hull.


Bicubic Bezier surface patch

\[p(u,v) = \sum_{i=0}^3 \sum_{j=0}^3 \textcolor{red}{b_i(u) b_j(u)} p_{ij} = (u^T M_B) P (M_B^Tv)\]

where $v = [1 \quad v \quad v^2 \quad v^3]^T$​.​ Note that the Bezier patch uses the blending functions.


Surface patches advantages over polygons mesh

Rendering polynomial curves

Long polynomial curves involve $\leq 4$​ join points. To evaluate $p(u)$ at a sequence of join points $u_k$​, use Horner’s method: \(p(u) = c_0 + u(c_1 + u(c_2 + u(\dots +c_n)))\) polyline to curve

Rendering Bezier curves

De Casteljau’s algorithm: Consecutive control points are recursively interpolated over $u \in [0, 1]$​, in the case of the curve.

De Casteljau

Curve translation summary

Bezier curves $p$ Interpolating curves $q$
known $c \rightarrow$ find unknown control points $p$ known $c \rightarrow$ find unknown control points $q$
known $p \rightarrow$​ find unknown $c$​ known $q \rightarrow$​ find unknown $c$
Simple blending functions ($M_B$) Rather messy blending functions ($M_I = u^TA^{-1}$)
Includes $M_B$​ in bezier patch Doesn’t include $M_I$​ in interpolation patch