Shape Matching

Rigid Motion

Orientation-preserving isometry of 3D Euclidean plane.

Translation: $f(\mathbf{p}) = \mathbf{p + v}$

Rotation: $f(\mathbf{p}) = R\mathbf{p}$

Iterative Closest Pair (ICP)

For objects $K_1, K_2$, sample $S$ and $R$

  1. For each $r_i \in R$​​ find closest neighbour in $s_i \in S$​​​​ via kd-trees/octrees etc.
  2. Translate centroids of $s_i, r_i$​ for each $i$ to origin
  3. Optimal transformation: Compute rigid motion $\mathcal{M}$ minimizing $\textcolor{red}{\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}|\mathcal{M}r_i - s_i|^2}$​​
  4. Repeat from step 1 until this sum converges to some stable value

Optimal rotation

Summary: To minimize the error $\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}|\mathcal{M}r_i - s_i|^2$, is to maximize \(q^T\left(\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}\bar{R}_i^TS_i\right)q\)

Goal is to find $q$​​​. Can do so with Rodrigues’ Formula.

$\bar{Q}^T Q$ is a rotation by $\theta$ around the axis defined by a vector $(u_x, u_y, u_z)$ if \(Q = q = \cos (\theta/2) + \sin (\theta/2)(u_x \mathbf{i} + u_y \mathbf{j} + u_z \mathbf{k})\)


Detailed algo

Build the table matching each $s \in S$ to $r \in R$​ and compute each pair’s centroids

Froim each vertex, minus its pair-centroid

Each vertex is converted into the imaginary part of the quarternion $(1, v_x, v_y, v_z)$.

Get $\bar{R}_i^TS_i$​ and find the sum across all $i$

Find the eigenvector of $\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}\bar{R}_i^TS_i$. Let the eigenvector with biggest eigenvalue be $Q$

Find $\theta$​ and axis $(u_x, u_y, u_z)$ by rodriguez formula.

Database Matching

e.g. Image matching in Google’s database. Comparison of extracted features:

How to parallel in shape matching with databases?

Shape distribution/Histogram

Shoot rays from centroid to vertices on a sphere around the object. Generate a (1D or 2D) histogram based on the hit objects.

Spherical Harmonics


Better for rounded simpler shapes.

Reflective Symmetry Descriptors

Detects how strong is the symmetry across all principal axes, and generates this red thing.

Skeleton Graphs