DP, Greedy Problems


  1. If the question asks for an algorithm that extends LCS, then don’t bother writing out the new algorithm, just deriving the recursive solution would do (see Question 2)
  2. Remember to do housekeeping:
    1. Time complexity
    2. Optimal substructure (via a cut-and-paste argument)
  3. For greedy questions, also provide the Greedy Choice Property (see Question 8)

Question 1

Longest common subsequence for $m$​​ input strings.

Question 2

Minimum edit distance algorithm based on LCS. Edits allowed are add, delete, replace.

Solution: Let $e(n,m)$​​ be the minimum edit distance for the substring $X[1,n]$​​ and $Y[1,m]$​​.

If the $n$th character of $X$ is not the same as the $m$th character of $Y$​​, the optimal edit distance must be that of the substrings excluding this last character.

If the $n$​​​th character of $X$​​​ is not the same as the $m$​​​th character of $Y$​​​, it can be either added to $X$​​​​, changed from the last of $Y$​​​ or added to $Y$​​​​​. Hence we choose the option that would have had the least edits so far, and add one more edit to the count.

\[e(n,m) = \begin{cases} m & \text{if } n = 0 \\ n & \text{if } m = 0 \\ e(n-1, m-1) & \text{if } X_n = Y_m \\ 1 + \min\{e(n, m-1), e(n-1, m-1), e(n-1, m)\} & \text{otherwise } \\ \end{cases}\]


  1. Time complexity: We need to build an $nm$ array with each value being calculated in $\Theta(1)$​ by the scheme above.
  2. Optimal substructure: From the equation shown, if the subproblems $e(n, m-1), e(n-1, m-1), e(n-1, m)$​ are not optimal, then by the cut-and-paste argument, $e(n,m)$​​ is not optimal as well.

Question 3

Given $\text{price}[k]$ which returns the price of a rod of length $1 \leq k \leq n$, derive an algorithm to cut and maximize the potential revenue of selling a rod of length $n$.

Question 4

You are given an array $A$ of n positive integers with total sum $S$ and a value $k$. Design a dynamic programming algorithm to find (if exists) $k$ (disjoint) partitions of the input array so that the sum of numbers in each partition is $S/k$.


  1. Edge cases:

    1. If $n < k$​ return False.
    2. If $k = 1$​​ return True (the partition is $A$​​).
    3. If $S \mod k \neq 0$ return False.
  2. Represent the array as a bitmask $\overline{x_1 x_2 \dots x_n}$​​, with $x_i = 1$​​​​ indicating presence in the partition

  3. Let $\text{dp}(\overline{x_1 \dots x_n})$​ be sum of all the elements in this mask’s partition (indicated by 1 bits), modulo $k$.

  4. Due to the additive property of congruence, $(x \mod k) + (y \mod k) = (x+y) \mod k$​. Hence we have​​

\[\text{dp}(\overline{x_j0\dots 0x_i\dots x_n}) = (\text{dp}(\overline{x_i\dots x_n}) + A[j]) \mod k\]
# initialize dp (size 2^n)
dp = [-1 for i in range(2^n)]

for mask in range(2^n):
	for i in range(n):
		if (mask & (1 << i) == 0) and dp[mask] + a[i] <= target:
			dp[mask | (1 << i)] = (dp[mask] + a[i]) % target

return dp[(1 << N) - 1] == 0

Question 5

Is the following greedy strategy for changing $n$ with denominations $\{Q, D, N, P\}$ optimal?
Suppose the amount left to change is $n$; take the largest coin that is no more than $n$; subtract this coin’s value from $n$, and repeat.

Note: ${Q, D, N, P} = {25, 10, 5, 1}$, as in quarter, dime, nickel, penny.


  1. Setup:
  2. Hence our strategy is to show for each case that if $k < i$​, then must be a better solution $S’$.

Case 1: $i = N$​​​​ = 5. The solution $S$​​​​ must have 5 or more $P$​​​. Since $S’ = S \setminus {5P} \cap {N}$​ is smaller than $S$​, this contradicts the optimality of $S$​.

Case 2: $i = D$​​​ = 10. The solution $S$​​​ must have either:

Case 3: $i = Q$​​​​ = 25. The solution $S$​​​​ must have either:

Hence in all three cases, we proved by the cut and paste argument that the optimal solution should always pick the largest possible coin, as per the greedy algorithm.

Optimal Substructure Property: Let $P(n)$​​​​​​ be the problem of making $n$​​​​​​. Suppose the greedy solution first chooses $k$​​​​​​ cent coin. Let $S(n-k)$​​​​​ be optimal solution to $P(n-k)$​​​​, and $S(n)$​​ be the optimal solution to $P(n)$​​​​. Then since cost(S) = cost(S′)+1, clearly optimal substructure is shown.

Contradiction for non-standard denominations:
If we let $\{Q, D, N, P\} = \{1, 30, 110, 200\}$, and $n = 120$, by the greedy strategy, since $120 = 110 + (120-110)(1)$, the optimal solution (minimum coins) is 11. However 120 can be changed with 4 coins ($120 = 4 (30)$).

Question 6

You are given $n$ events, each taking 1 unit of time. You earn $g_i$ if you schedule the event before $t_i \in \mathbb{R}$ for each event $x_i$. Derive an scheduling algorithm to maximize your profit.


Important: Since each even only takes 1 unit of time, an optimal scheduling can be back to back from $t = 0$, i.e. schedule is $x_i \rightarrow [0,1), x_j \rightarrow [1,2), \dots$​ etc.​ Hence we only need to compare amongst the events that have the same $\lfloor t_i \rfloor$​ time, as every other unit time will be scheduled.

Greedy choice property: Consider an optimal solution $S$ in which $x+1$ events are scheduled at time $0, 1, \dots x$​​. Let event $k$ be the last job run in $S$.

Case 1: $\lfloor t_k \rfloor = \lfloor t_n \rfloor$​​. By our greedy choice: $g_k \geq g_n$​

for i in range(n):
	if time[i] >= T:
		schedule i
		T = time[i] + 1

Question 7


Question 8

Given a set of $\{x_1 \leq x_2 \leq \dots \leq x_n\}$ points on a real line, determine the smallest set of unit-length closed intervals containing all points $x_i$.

Solution: For every last uncovered point, add a new interval and skipped the points that are covered by the new interval.

  1. Otherwise, place an interval at $[x_1, x_1 + 1]$​​​
  2. Remove all points in $[x_1, x_1 + 1]$​​
  3. Repeat for the rest of the unremoved points.

Greedy choice property: Let $S$ be an optimal solution. If $S$ places the leftmost interval at $[x, x+1]$, then $x \leq x_1$ by definition of our greedy choice (since $x_1$ is the first and smallest point to be checked).

If we were to replace $[x, x+1]$ with $[x_1, x_1+1]$ in $S’$, since there are no points between $[x, x_1)$, $S’$ is a valid solution with the same number of points as $S$.​

Optimal substructure property: Let $P$ be the problem with optimal solution $S$. Suppose the greedy solution chooses $[x_1,x_1+1]$. Then the subproblem $P’$ finds an optimal solution $S’$ covering the points to the right of $x_1+1$. Then clearly cost(S) = cost(S′)+1, as $S$ includes $S’$.