
1 – Introduction

Internet components

Network edge

Network core



  1. Break application message into $L$​ bit packets
  2. Transmit packets at $R$​ bits/sec (aka link capacity/bandwidth)
  3. Store-and-forward: Entire packet arrives at destination router before transmission to the next link.
\[\text{transmission delay} = \text{ time to push 1 packet on link} = \frac{L}{R} \\ \text{end-to-end delay} = \text{ time to push $N$ packets on link} = N\frac{L}{R} \\\]


  1. $R$ is never shared/run in parallel. You can only transmit one packet at a time.
  2. For each link the packet is transmitted on, incurs $\geq L/R$ delay.

End-to-end delay: delay incurred across first source to final destination

The router can send a packet to a destination while receiving another packet from source.

Queueing delay and loss:

Packet queue

If arrival rate $>$ transmission rate of a link:

Note: each outgoing link has a corresponding buffer

Functions of network core

Core functions

Routing: Algorithms to determine source-destination route

Forwarding: Moving the packets from router’s input to output

Alternate core: Circuit switching

Circuit switching

Internet structure

Network of networks (evolution is driven by economics and national policies)


Options Details

Complete graph, each ISP connected to every other
Cons: $O(N^2)$ connections: not scalable

Connect each access ISP to one global transit ISP
Customer-provider: Access network (customer)
pays global ISP (provider) to access other networks

Oligopoly: Competition from other “global ISPs”.
How to connect these?

- Bilateral connections (peering) to connect 2 ISPs
- 3rd-party Internet Exchange Points for multilateral connections
Peering pros: speed
Peering cons: price of laying cables
IXP pros: cheaper
IXP cons: congestion
Overall cons: even big IXPs insufficient coverage

- Regional ISPs cover a smaller geographical region
- Content providers (e.g. Google, Akamai) run their own networks
Content providers don’t have to rely on other ISPs
to deliver services


Internet structure

Delay, loss, throughput

Packet delay

Packet delay \(d_\text{nodal} = d_\text{proc} + d_\text{queue} + d_\text{trans} + d_\text{prop}\)



Rate (bits/s) at which bits are transferred between a sender and receiver.

Average throughput: \(\begin{aligned} T_\text{ave} &= F/t & \text{where $t$ is the time to send F bits} \\ &= \frac{F}{F/R_s + F/R_c} \\ &= \frac{1}{1/R_s + 1/R_c} \end{aligned}\)

Instantaneous throughput: Depends on the bottleneck rate $\min(R_s, R_c)$​

Reality: in between (due to packet based atomic)


Layered structure

Internet protocol stack

  1. Application (FTP, SMTP, HTTP)
  2. Transport (TCP, UDP)
  3. Network (IP, routing protocols)
  4. Link (Ethernet, 802.111 - Wifi, PPP)
  5. Physical (Bits and wiring)



At each stage, pass through multiple layers. The further lower down the stack, include more headers.