Digital Transmission

Analog signals: continuous with infinitely many levels

Digital signals: discrete with finite levels

Analog vs Digital

Encoding data in binary as voltages that can be transmitted over wires.

Encoding methods

  1. Non-return to zero (NRZ)
  2. Return to zero (RZ)
  3. Manchester
Encoding Method Illustration

Analog Transmission

Represented as wave, e.g. sine wave

\[A\sin(2\pi ft + \phi)\]

Bandwidth: The difference between the highest and lowest frequency that can pass through a channel

Signal to Noise Ratio: The strength of signal over noise.

Receiver Comparator

At the signal receiver side, the signal is sent to a sort of comparator circuit as shown above.

Shannon Channel Capacity: The theoretical maximum bit rate of a noisy channel

\[C = B \log (1 + \text{SNR})\]

Modem: Modulator/Demodulator

Encoding methods

  1. Amplitude Shift Keying
  2. Frequency Shift Keying
  3. Phase Shift Keying