2 – Process Abstraction


  1. How to represent a process in memory.
  2. Separation of user space and kernel space to provide safety and ease of use
  3. Communications between user space, kernel space and hardware

Hardware components

CPU houses:

Basic Instruction Execution

  1. Load process instructions into memory (Text)
  2. Set PC to Text start address
  3. Instruction exec loop: load memory, process via Functional Units, store in memory

Function Calls

Problem of where to allocate parameters, local variables, return values in memory:

Stack Memory for function invocations

Memory Stack

Stack frame: memory region for a single function’s invocation information. Pushed onto a stack at stack pointer (SP) address.

After each return, we pop the returned frame from the stack. Unlike other memory regions, stack memory can grow upwards.

Stack Pointer, Frame Pointer

SP @ top of the stack. Changes during stack frame lifetime.

FP @ fixed location in each stack frame. e.g. to access some value: lw (FP - x) Needs to be saved as well to return to after a frame is popped off the stack.

The existence of the FP and SP is architecture/platform dependent. A function invocation can be done purely with SP.

Function call convention

Stack frame teardown

Saved Registers

What if we have more variables than registers? Register spilling allows saving some variables to memory and fetching them when needed. Saved in stack frame.

e.g. Functions can spill registers it intends to use locally before the function starts. After returning function, restore those registers from memory.

Dynamic memory allocation

i.e. Acquired memory space during execution time. Can we use “Data” or “Stack” memory?

Process Management

Allowing multiple programs A, B to share hardware usage by switching between them.

Abstraction of program (Process)

Information required to describe a running program:

Process ID (PID) and State

A process can also be ready to run in the ready queue, but not actually executing.

Process state model

General Process Model Unix Process Model

OS Communication

System Calls

OS’s API: User space callable functions.

Changes from user to (privileged) kernel mode.

In C/C++ the system call can almost be invoked directly (library version of the call with same name & params, acts as function wrapper). Other than that the library functions acts as a function adapter.


  1. Program invokes library call
  2. Library call puts system call number in e.g. register
  3. TRAP instruction to switch from user to kernel mode.
  4. System call handler is determined.
    1. Save CPU context
    2. System call number as index
    3. Handled by dispatcher
  5. System call handler executed
  6. System call handler ends
    1. Restore CPU context
    2. Return library call
    3. Kernel to user mode.
  7. Library call returns to program.

Process Control Block/Process Table

The entire execution context of a process. Kernel maintains all processes’ PCB.

PCBs contain metadata about these contexts, but not the memory region or hardware itself

Exceptions and errors


Synchronous, happens at runtime due to program execution. An exception handler is then executed. echo $? prints the exit status of the last command.


Electronic alerting signals sent to the processor from hardware.

Asynchronous, external events can interrupt the execution of a program. An interrupt handler is then executed. Happens independent of program execution, due to I/O etc.