7 - Memory Management

Memory Hardware

Physical memory storage (RAM) is a contiguous byte-addressed array, each address being a physical address.

Memory Hierarchy

Name Speed Typical Amount Cost
CPU registers 1ns 512B Expensive
Cache 10ns 12MB $150/MB
RAM 100ns 8GB $0.58/MB
HDD 10ms 2TB $0.0025/MB
Tape drives etc. Seconds PBs Dirt cheap

Memory from source code to executable

  1. memory address for each component is assigned by compiler and linker [includes Code and Data]
  2. exec syscall to Load and Run the executable which has the instructions of where to load and run included

Loading into physical memory

  1. fork a process to
    1. obtain info about process for kernel
    2. make a new entry in PCB
    3. initialize other components
  2. execve fills 3 regions into the SWAP while loading:
    1. Text: your code (in assembly) that is within the binary
    2. Data: global variables
    3. Stack: initial stack frame
    4. Note that heap is empty and not initialized!

Memory execution

Data types

Both can grow/shrink.

Memory Abstraction

Option 1: Use physical memory directly.

Pros Cons
No further conversion (fast) Hard to protect memory space
  Memory address collisions: Erroneously share memory

Option 2: Translate all memory addresses at load time

Pros Cons
Is correct Slow
Protects memory Not easy to distinguish references from integers

Option 3: Base + limit

Pros Cons
Is correct Slow memory access (Each memory access requires 1 add and 1 comp.)
Protects memory  
Fast compile (addresses translated by Base at runtime) Addr = $Base + LogicalAddr  
Limit protects the memory space of processes Addr < $Limit  

Option 4: Segmentation mechanisms

Note what options 2, 3, 4 do is provide a mapping from logical addresses to physical addresses, which is performed by the OS.

Contiguous Memory Management


  1. Stored program computer (instructions in memory)
  2. Load-store memory (ALU and Memory operations)


  1. Each process memory space is contiguous
  2. Physical memory is large enough for the processes’ complete memory space.


  1. Internal fragmentation: Allotted memory space > Required memory space
  2. External fragmentation: Many small non-contiguous blocks not-allocable to any process

When memory is full, remove terminated processes OR swap blocked processes to secondary storage.

Memory Partitioning

Fixed-size partitions: physical memory split into a fixed number of partitions. Each process occupies a partition

Pros Cons
Easy to manage Partition size needs to be $\max({p_1 \dots p_n})$​
i.e. small programs waste memory space (internal fragmentation)
No need further computations to allocate  
No external fragmentation (every page equally allocable)  

Variable-size partitions: size allocated based on actual size of process. OS tracks occupied/free regions, splits and merges as necessary.

Pros Cons
Better memory utilization Many holes from termination/swapping/creation (external fragmentation)
No internal fragmentation (partition sizes exact) Needs to maintain more information in OS

Allocation Algorithms

  1. First-fit: First hole large enough
  2. Best-fit: Smallest hole large enough
  3. Worst-fit: Biggest hole large enough

Split the hole into N which becomes the partition and M-N which becomes the new hole (allocation).

Upon freeing of partitions (deallocation):

Merging Compaction
Merging Compaction

Note allocation is $O(n)$​ but deallocation is $O(1)$​ assuming that the address of the memory block the process occupies is saved somewhere.

Bitmap representation

OS represents each equal memory partition with a bit.

Incurs overhead for bit manipulation operations because the memory is not bit-addressable.

Very important: Everytime a bitmap’s space is involved, remember to divide number of bits by 8 to get number of bytes!

Linked list representation

OS represents the partitions as a linked list. In dynamic partitioning above, to allocate a new process:

  1. Find the first available partition that can accommodate the process
  2. Split the partition into the size of the process and the remaining partition space left
  3. Make the available space the next node in the linked list.
  4. Allocate the space found.

To de-allocate a process, check the partitions before and after if they can be merged.

Buddy system

Free blocks recursively split in half to meet request. Each pair of neighbouring blocks become buddy blocks.

Buddy blocks

Once both are freed, can be merged to become larger block.

Allocation is now O(1) and deallocation O(n).

Allocation of process of memory block size $n$

  1. Check if any free block of size $2^{\lceil \log n \rceil}$ exists at $A[\lceil \log n \rceil]$
  2. If not, look upwards for bigger blocks to split.

At most $\log M$ steps for fixed total physical memory size $M$: $O(1)$

Deallocation: Check if any free block in $A[\lceil \log n \rceil]$ is the buddy (worst case $O(n)$ time for $\lceil \log n \rceil = 1$)

Internal fragmentation: all memory requests are rounded up to the nearest power of two.

External fragmentation: due to limited coalescing ability of this allocator (unable to coalesce blocks of different sizes, if they are not buddy blocks)