System calls

Some omit full descriptions (for sake of conciseness as an exam reference).

Process management

Function Parameters Return value Details Library
fork () 0 (child); child’s PID (parent) Memory space is copy-on-write. unistd.h
exec_ depends (see details) -1 (only if error) See equivalent exec code unistd.h
exit (int status) Status   stdlib.h
wait (int *wstatus) Status Last 8 bits = exit status = WEXITSTATUS(status) unistd.h
waitpid (pid_t pid, int *wstatus, int options) Status PID $\leq 0$: wait for any child.
Options: see wait options
getpid () PID of calling process   unistd.h

Equivalent exec code

List: execl("/bin/ls", "ls", "-l", "-R", "-a", NULL);

Vector: char* arr[] = {"ls", "-l", "-R", "-a", NULL}; execv("/bin/ls", arr);

PATH environment variable, i.e. mimics shell: char *cmd = "ls"; execvp(cmd, arr);

Others: lp, le, ve, lpe, vpe

wait options

WNOHANG: return immediately if no child has exited.

WEXITED, WSTOPPED, WCONTINUED: wait for children that have been (exited/stopped/continued).

File management

Function Parameters Return value Details
open (char *path, int flags) -1 (error); fd (success) path can be either absolute or relative (to current working directory of process).
close (int fd) -1 (error); 0 (success) if fd is the last to refer to the underlying open file, the resources associated with the open file description are freed.
read (int fd, void *buf, size_t count) -1 (error); bytes read (success)  
write (int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) -1 (error); bytes written (success)  
lseek (int fd, off_t offset, int whence) -1 (error); offset bytes from start address (success)  
dup2 (int oldfd, int newfd) -1 (error); new fd (success) allocates a new fd referring to the same open-file description (system-wide open-file table) as the oldfd
pipe (int fd[]) -1 (error); 0 (success) fd[0] read end, fd[1] write end. For input redirection.

Signal handling

Function Parameters Return value Details
signal (int signum, sighandler_t handler) SIG_ERR (error); previous value of handler (success) signal handler provided must be of the signature void handler(int signo)
sigaction (int signum, sigaction *sa, NULL) -1 (error); 0 (success) Simplified parameters. sa.sa_sigaction must be set to the handler with params (int signo, siginfo_t *info, void *ucontext).

Shared memory

Function Parameters Return value Details
shmget (key, size_t size, shmflg) -1 (error); valid shared memory identifier (success) key=IPC_PRIVATE. size rounded up to nearest page size. IPC_CREAT to create a new region.
shmat (shmid, NULL, 0) -1 (error); void*address of shared memory segment (success) Simplified parameters.
shmdt (void * shmaddr) -1 (error); 0 (success) Detaches the shared memory segment located at the address.
shmctl (shmid, cmd, shmid_ds * buf) -1 (error); 0 (success for void cmds) shmctl(id, IPC_RMID, 0) to destroy a shm segment