
PA: Analysis –> detect bottleneck –> find bottleneck –> solve bottleneck –> analysis

Time scales


  1. Time based: E[time server was busy]
    1. $U = \frac{B}{T}$; U = utilization; B = total time system busy over T the observation period
  2. Capacity based: System/component’s ability to deliver amount of throughput
    1. Proportion of system/component’s resources currently working
    2. @100% capacity-based utilization; saturation has been reached. <100%: no worries


Perspectives in System Performance

  1. Resource Analysis Perspective [by sysadmin]
    1. Start @devices (resource level)
    2. Includes perf issue investigations, and capacity planning
    3. Demand supply
  2. Workload Analysis Perspective [by devs]
    1. Targets
      1. Requests (workload applied)
      2. Latency (response time)
      3. Completion (error rate)
    2. Metrics
      1. Throughput
      2. Latency


No clear methodology until recently!

  1. Tools (OS specific application tools)
    1. List avail. perf tools
    2. For tool T, list useful metrics
    3. For metric M, list ways of interpretation
  2. USE (Utilization - Saturation - Errors)
    2. Some rscs cannot be fully monitored?
    3. Machine health
  3. RED (Request rate - Errors - Duration)
    1. Usu. cloud services/microservice. Check per svc.
    2. User health
  4. Workload characterzation
    1. Inputs rather than resultant perf.
    2. Who causes laod
    3. Why load called
    4. What are attributes of the load
      1. IOPS/Throughput/Direction (R/W).
      2. Include the variance when possible/appropriate
    5. How load changing over time
  5. Monitoring
    1. perfstats over time.
    2. For capacity planing/quantifying growth/peak usage
    3. Time series: Historic values (time-based patterns)

Capacity planning


This is only relevant for fixed amount of resources (c.f. 15 years ago?):

  1. Resource for peak load (waste rscs)
  2. Under-provision (lose potential revenue)

Nowadays we have automatic scaling.

Provisioning for resources have 3 main strategies:

  1. lead
    1. add cap in anticipation of dd
  2. lag
    1. add cap after full cap reached
  3. match
    1. Automatic scalers: increment in small units as dd increases.

Capacity of s system:

throughput and response time

Service-Level agreements (SLA):

Inputs and Outputs of the system

  1. Understand the environment: create a workload model
  2. Workload characterization
  3. Workload model validation + calibration
  4. Workload forecasting: Use the workload model
  5. Performance model development: Create a performance model
  6. Performance model validation + calibration
  7. Performance prediction: Use the performance model
  8. Cost Model development: Use the workload model to create a cost model
  9. Cost prediction: Use the cost model
  10. Cost/Performance analysis

Understanding the environment

Workload characterization

Only via observation. Measurements can be taken; existing knowledge (e.g. another system).

We refine this model until validation/calibration passes.

Data collection: How do we determine param values for basic components?

  1. No data collection facilities available:
    1. Benchmark (Synthetic workload e.g. locust.io)
    2. Industry practice
    3. Rules of thumb (ROTs)
  2. Some:
    1. All of the above and measurements
  3. All/Detailed:
    1. Use measurements only