Analytic models

Mathematical models of systems



Purpose: models should be used for trends.

Stochastic Process

Empirical process that changes in time accordining to probabilistic forces.

  1. Let $N(t)$, a discrete rv, denote num. jobs at time $t$.
    1. behaviour specification is the pmf
  2. Let $W_n$, a continuous rv, denote waiting time of job $n$.
    1. behaviour specification is the pdf


Poisson process can be split and pooled.

\[P \subset B \subset M\]


  1. Queueing theory
    1. Probabilistic job arrivals & service times
    2. state machine
  2. Ops analysis:
    1. Measuring averages
    2. Operational quantities

Examples of Performance Questions:

  1. What is ave. service time?
  2. What is the throughput of the system (num jobs finished over time)
  3. If $\lambda \rightarrow 2\lambda$, then how much should $\mu$ increase

Queueing networks

Open Queueing Networks

Interactive Closed Queueing Networks

Batch Closed Queueing Networks

  1. Open: External arrivals/departure
    1. Finite/Infinite job buffer
      1. jobs not in buffer are lost
    2. Network of queues with probabilistic/non-probabilistic routing
      1. do jobs follow a pre-determined route?
      2. the jobs queueing are also in the system
  2. Closed: No external arrivals/departures
    1. Interactive/Batch
    2. jobs are issued by a bounded number of users/terminals
    3. jobs are processed by the central subsystem
    4. the user cannot submit a next job before the previous job returns, so the max. number of jobs in the system is fixed
    5. the jobs each user is queueing (if any) are NOT ENERATED/NOT PART OF THE SYSTEM
    6. Think time (Z) a rv for the time between receivign reply from sys and issueing new job.
    7. batch systems circulates in the system without any think time. high throughput.

Kendall Notation for queueing network

Note that 1 queue = 1 queuing network.

A/S/m shorthand, A/S/m/B/K/SD full length

Summary of the RVs

Service Time:

Number of Jobs

Response Time:

Fundamental Rules for Queues

  1. STABLE: $\lambda < m\mu$
  2. JOB COUNT: $n = n_q + n_s$
  3. Little’s Law: $E[n] = \lambda E[r]$
  4. TIME: $r = w + s$

Little’s Law

\[\begin{eqnarray*} \lambda &= \text{mean arrival time} \\ E[n] &= \lambda E[r] \\ E[n_q] &= \lambda E[w] \\ E[n_s] &= \lambda E[s] \end{eqnarray*}\]

Mean jobs = mean arrival rate * mean response time.


\[\begin{aligned} \rho &= \lamdba E[s]\\ &= \lambda / \mu \\ &= E[n_s] < m \quad \text{(# jobs being serviced at any point always less than # servers)} \end{aligned}\]

Utilization ($0 \leq \rho \leq 1$) is mean arrival rate * mean service time i.e. mean number of jobs in service at any point

$P_0 = \text{probability of servers being idle} = 1 - \rho = 1 - \lambda E[s]$