Clocks for distributed programs


For order imposition. Relying on wall clock time subjects one to inaccuracies of the individual physical clocks and synchronization error.

Thus distributed programs have to work with

  1. No shared clock
  2. No shared memory
  3. No accurate failure detection

Distributed programs communicated via message-passing.

Software clocks

  1. Less overhead
  2. Sufficient accuracy to correctly order system’s events
    1. Software clocks are for inferring ordering
    2. Physical clock still needed for actual time


Distributed program: ${P_1, P_2, \dots, P_N}$

Channel: on which messages are sent; edge between $(P_i, P_j)$.

Process: ${S_1, S_2, \dots, S_K}$

Run or computation: ${E, \rightarrow}$ where $\rightarrow$ is the happens-before relationship.

What does $a \rightarrow b$ mean (event $a$ happens-before event $b$):

If two events $a, b$ happen in isolated processes such that $a \nrightarrow b$ and $b \nrightarrow a$, then $a$ *concurrent-with** $b$.

Logical clock

Event s happens-before event t $\Rightarrow$ Event s’s logical clock value $<$ event t’s logical clock value.

\[s \rightarrow t \Rightarrow C(s) < C(t)\]

Example implementation:

Proof that the above ensures $s \rightarrow t \Rightarrow C(s) < C(t)$:

  1. if $s, t$ are on same process and $s \rightarrow t$, then $C(t) \geq C(t-1) + 1 > C(s)$ Hence $C(s) < C(t)$.
  2. if $s, t$ have send-receive rs on different process, then
  3. else by transitivity of the above two cases the above holds

The reverse “s’s logical clock value $<$ t’s logical clock value $\nRightarrow$ event s happens-before event t”

Vector clock

Guarantee should hold in both directions instead

\[s \rightarrow t \Leftrightarrow C(s) < C(t)\]

Example implementation:


  1. Forward direction (trivial, follow logical clock example)
  2. Reverse direction $C(s) < C(t) \Rightarrow s \rightarrow t$
    1. If $s,t$ are on same process, trivial by definition.
    2. If $s,t$ not on the same process, then $\forall$ process $i$ we have $C(s)[i] \leq C(t)[i]$ and for some process $j$, $C(s)[j] < C(t)[j]$.

Know about the other processes.

Matrix clock

Know about what the other processes know about the other processes.

$n$-dimensional clock: (Knowing about what the other processes)$^{n-1}$ know about the other processes.

$\infty$-dimensional clock: Common knowledge.