Non-blocking I/O: Another zero-cost abstraction

On blocking I/O: What is the cost of blocking?

  1. Context switch: when a method with a system call blocks, the entire process halts
    1. Storing regs
    2. Switch stack space
    3. Clear cache
  2. Memory overhead
    1. growing stack space (because each thread has a minimum stack size)
    2. 5000 threads = 5000 stack segments = 40GB at 8MB/stack!

Instead of full threads, we could use lightweight threads that can be swapped out for each other. However they need a runtime.

How to fix this? Async await:

  1. Solves high stack usage
  2. Solves unnecessary context switching due to blocking
  3. Achieves high degree of concurrency
  4. Maximizes I/O bound processes’ time slice duration.

Case study: Reading from a stream

fn main() {
  let listener = TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();
  for stream_res in listener.incoming() {
    let mut stream = stream_res.unwrap();
    thread::spawn(move || {
      let mut str = String::new();
      stream.read_to_string(&mut str).unwrap(); // WHEN THE read() SYSTEM CALL BLOCKS, THE ENTIRE THING BLOCKS

Resolution with epoll: a linux kernel mechanism for polling file descriptors that are ready for I/O.

while true {
  ready_ids = epoll() // POLLS ALL THE READY FDs
  for each id in ready_ids {


State of each thread needs to be managed. e.g.

A Future allows us to keep track of a in-progress operation together with the state in one package.

Zero cost abstraction

Futures are also a zero-cost abstraction. The binary code has no allocation and no runtime overhead

async/.await in rust

async fn func() { }
// The above async fn is syntactic sugar for

fn func() -> impl Future<Output=()> { }

// The below is definition of the Future trait
trait Future {
  type Output;
  fn poll(&mut self, cs: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output>;
  // Context includes the wake() function, as shown with the below alternative params
  // fn poll(&mut self, wake: fn()) -> Poll<Self::Output>;

enum Poll {

Futures in Rust are lazy so they will not do anything until they are polled i.e. when await is called.

Polling can only occur inside an async function (i.e. await) can only be called within async fn. Then who polls the main function?

Executors, Context and how futures run

Note that waiting $\neq$ blocking!

  1. Executor required
    1. poll() called on the first future main
    2. runs code until first .await
    3. runs the .awaited future until it cannot progress
      1. If future is complete it returns Poll::Ready(T)
      2. Else it returns Poll::Pending
    4. If result was pending, run another future.
  2. Context required
    1. How does the executor know which other future can be run? (1.4)
    2. When .wake() is called BY ONE OR MORE of the futures
      1. Executor sleeps until awoken by futures’ waits.
    3. Executor can use Context to see which Future can be polled.
    4. Implemented internally with system calls

reactor: Event loop executor + a Context

when poll is called, a Context structure is passed in, which includes a wake() function.

An executor loops over futures until some thread makes progress.

Tokio: +

executors can be single/multi threaded


Futures are combined with combinators e.g. and_then

Poor ergonomics:

  1. mixing of synchronous and async ops in the chain
  2. compilcated syntax
  3. SHARING MUTABLE DATA across diff ops, painful when only 1 closure can touch the data.

However syntactic sugar introduced:

State management and stackless coroutines

The Future returned by an async function needs to have a fixed size known at compile time.

Rust async functions are nearly optimal in terms of memory usage and allocations (zero cost abstraction).

Tool comparison

  1. Rust: async in synchronous style
  2. JS: Promises but with more dynamic memalloc less efficient
  3. Go: Goroutines are the async tasks, but not stackless
    1. Resizable stacks (garbage collection)
    2. Runtime knows pointers and reallocation of memory possible
  4. C++20 (new)