Threads, Tasks and Synchronization in C++

To perform thread/task parallelization

History of C++

until 2011, C++ don’t have MT support


Thread mgmt with std::thread

At runtime, the main thread runs main(). std::thread is used to add more threads.

// Functional object callable type
class CallableHello {
  void operator()() const {
    cout << "callable hey\n";

// function ptr
void hello() { cout << "hey\n"; }

int main() {
  // Thread as function ptr
  std::thread t1(hello);

  // Thread as callable object
  CallableHello ch;
  std::thread t2(ch);
  t1.join(); t2.join();
  1. main()
  2. std::thread t(funcptr), t.join() to join

Confusing C++ stuff and initialization

Note that CallableHello() is a function pointer type! Hence t1 is actually a function declaration because of the type. std::thread is the return type

// function decl of return type thread
std::thread t1(CallableHello()); // FUNCTION DECLARATION
// return-type name(param-type);
std::thread t2{CallableHello()}; // THREAD INITIALIZATION
std::thread t2_alt((CallableHello())); // THREAD INITIALIZATION
std::thread t4([]{ cout << "ok\n"; }); // THREAD INITIALIZATION
std::thread t4_alt([](){ cout << "ok\n"; }); // THREAD INITIALIZATION

int main() {
  t2.join(); // OK!
  t3.join(); // OK!
  t4.join(); // OK!
  // t1.join(); // CANNOT RUN!

use std::ref as a reference instead of & open a curly bracket, close a curly bracket: that’s a scope in between the brackets.


  1. Wait:
    1. join() exactly once per std::thread
      1. Caller waits for that thread to finish
    2. joinable() to check if thread is done
    3. try { ... } catch(...) { t.join(); throw; } t.join() make sure error thread joined!
    4. Always make sure even when early end parent thread, the child threads are always joined
  2. Detach:
    1. Lets a child thread run independently of parent thread’s execution
    2. WARNING Child thread may discard variables from parent thread when ending before parent thread done (RAII)
    3. joinable() is false after calling detach.

Ownership in C++

Owner: object with a pointer to a memory allocation created by new (on heap) and must be deleted.

Every object on free store (dynamic memory, heap) has exactly one owner. If multiple pointers, only 1 is the owner. Objects on stack do not have owners.

Aside: Qualifiers

Aside: The const key word can be placed in multiple places:

const int m1 = 100;     // m1 is an int that is constant
int const m1_alt = 100; // same as m1; m1_alt is a constant int

int meme = 42069;
const int& n1 = meme; // n1 is a reference to an int that is constant
int const& n2 = meme; // n2 is a reference to a constant int
const int* n3 = &meme; // n3 is a ptr to an int that is constant
int const* n4 = &meme; // n4 is a ptr to a constant int
int *const n5 = &meme; // n5 is a constant ptr to an int
// meme doesn't have to be constant!

meme = 5; // ok!
*n5 = 10; // ok!
// n1 = 10;  n2 = 10;
// *n3 = 10;  *n4 = 10;

Passing variables

int c = 0;
void foo(int i, std::string const& s); // must be string const&
void oops() {
  char buf[1024];
  std::thread t(foo, 3, buf); // WILL NOT COMPILE
  // unless the variable is wrapped e.g.
  // std::ref(buf), buf will be COPIED and CASTED to t
  assert c == 0;
void pass_by_ref_ok() {
  char buf[1024];
  std::thread t(foo, 3, std::ref(buf));
  assert c == 1; // REFERENCE modified
void pass_by_val_ok() {
  char buf[1024];
  std::thread t(foo, 3, std::string(buf)); 
  // buf is casted to string first before being passed by val as param
  assert c == 0;

RAII: Resource Acquisition is Initialization

enter scope = allocate and initialize (on heap if necessary).

exit scope = deallocate and destroy (from heap if necessary).


Start-of-life begins after

  1. Storage with alignment obtained
  2. Initialization completed


  1. Non-class type: object is destroyed @ end-of-life
  2. Class type: destructor call invoked
  3. Either: storage occupied is released or reused by another obj outside

Ownership of Threads

std::thread instances own resource.

Instances of std::thread are movable (change owner) and not copyable.

Transfer of ownership can be done with the idioms:

// TRANSFER OUT, no parameters
std::thread f() {
  void func();
  return std::thread(func);

// TRANSFER OUT, with parameters
std::thread g() {
  void func(int);
  return std::thread(func, 42);

void moveHere(std::thread t);

void g() {
  void func();
  std::thread t(func);

r-values and l-values

l-values: Values to the left of the assign operator. Evaluation determines the identity of an object/bit-field/function.

r-values: Values to the right of the assign operator. Evaluation initializes an object/bit-field computed from the expression.

C++11 has r-value references with declarator &&. They bind to rvalues and not to lvalues. Distinguish r-values from l-value references with declarator&

Move semantics

Transfer of resources from temporary objects to l-values.

This is useful for std::thread, std::unique_lock, std::unique_ptr and other such classes to move their resources around and prevent multiple copies.

See the examples below from Microsoft.

// Move constructor.
MemoryBlock(MemoryBlock&& other) noexcept
   : _data(nullptr)
   , _length(0)
   // Copy the data pointer and its length from the
   // source object.
   _data = other._data;
   _length = other._length;

   // Release the data pointer from the source object so that
   // the destructor does not free the memory multiple times.
   other._data = nullptr;
   other._length = 0;

// Move assignment operator.
MemoryBlock& operator=(MemoryBlock&& other) noexcept
   if (this != &other)
      // Free the existing resource.
      delete[] _data;

      // Copy the data pointer and its length from the
      // source object.
      _data = other._data;
      _length = other._length;

      // Release the data pointer from the source object so that
      // the destructor does not free the memory multiple times.
      other._data = nullptr;
      other._length = 0;
   return *this;

Lock free programming

Race condition: a semantic flaw occuring when timing of events affects correctness.

Data race: Undefined behaviour caused by two memory accesses where

Wrap data structure in a protection mechanism.


Locks in cpp

Conditional Variable

// spin-lock implementation
bool flag;  // variable to check for
mutex m;
void wait_for_flag() {
  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m);
  while (!flag) {
    lk.unlock(); // release to others
    lk.lock(); // obtain mutex again

The above is a form of busy-waiting, which if run for too long may prevent other threads from running. Instead we can use the synchronization primitive conditional variable.

A cond_var is associated with a condition to be met.


  1. cv.wait(lk, []{ return conditional; }) is called by a thread.
    1. make sure the Predicate passed in does not have side effects.
    2. checks Predicate $x$ number of times with mutex acquired
    3. Release mutex each time
    4. Spurious wake: OS randomly wakes up this thread to check
    5. returns when Predicate returns true
  2. cv.notify_one() or cv.notify_all() to unblock one or all waiting threads.

Spurious wakes and Notify both must be supported.

// ...
std::conditional_variable data_cond;
void thread1() {
  while (true) {
    std::unique_lock lk(mut);
    // The below is an example of a monitor implementation
    // while (!data_queue.empty()) { data_cond.wait(lk); }
    data_cond.wait(lk, []{ return !data_queue.empty(); });
    // Crit. S.