Concurrency in Go

Task switching traditionaly used to achieve concurrency.

C++ paradigm:

  1. Model programs as threads
  2. Synchronize memory access
  3. Use thread pools

Go paradigm:

  1. Model programs as tasks
  2. Synchronize tasks by communication

Features of Go

  1. Memory safety
  2. Garbage collection
  3. CSP: Communicating Sequential Processes

Concurrent design

Pros and cons of message passing

Data parallelism

Design && Limiting factor

  1. More processes but limited carts
  2. More processes and carts but bottleneck @shared receptacle & need to synchronize.
  3. More processes and carts and distributed receptacle

Task parallelism

Finer grained concurrency. Pipeline parallelism.

Task dependency graph


Performance Speedup

Speedup: best sequential execution time over the parallel execution time.

\[S_p(n) = \frac{T_\text{best seq}(n)}{T_p(n)}\]

Amdahl’s law

Speedup of parallel execution is limited by the fraction of the algorithm that cannot be parallelized ($f$).

Amdahl’s law: speed up limited by the sequential fraction $f$ (time of program that must execute sequentially).

Communicating Sequential Processes (Which are actually Functions)

Developed by Hoare 1978.

Refined to process calculus.

Go stuff


  1. Goroutines [Concurrency]
    1. Each go function runs on OS thread.
    2. Think task in a task pool
    3. Cheaper than threads.
    4. Same address space as other goroutines (shared memory)
  2. Channels [Communication]
    1. Goroutines can write to and read from FIFO channel (like a pipe in linux).
      1. channel<- and <-channel
    2. select statement
    3. Ensure dependencies are fulfilled


Runtime multiplexes goroutines onto OS threads. Multiple goroutines in a thread “bucket”. Decouples concurrency from parallelism.

Scheduling algorithm

When a goroutine blocks, the thread blocks.

Goroutines are not garbage collected.

Goroutines need to have join point specified


To loop over an entire channel via range;

for integer := range intStream {
   fmt.Printf("%v ", integer)

Buffered channel: make(chan myType, bufCount)

Send will block once buffer is full, until a value is read from the buffer.

Go Channel Specification

Ownership of a channel

Owner: Write-access view of a channel

  1. instantiates,
  2. writes,
  3. passes ownership,
  4. closes a channel

Consumer: Read-access view of a channel

  1. Know when channel is closed
  2. handle blocking

select statements

Go’s blocking equivalent of switch. it

  1. Composing channels together
  2. Handles multiple channels requiring different methods e.g.
    1. cancellations
    2. timeouts
    3. waiting
    4. default vals (closed channel)
  3. Note that cases statements are not tested sequentially (any non-blocking can be chosen)



c1 := make(chan int); close(c1)
c2 := make(chan int); close(c2)
v1 := 0
v2 := 0
for i = 0; i < 1000; i++ {
   select { // v1 approx same as v2
      case <-c1:
      case <-c2:


select {
   case <-chanToWaitFor:
   case <-time.After(1 * time.Second): // select may still choose this when there are non-blocking channels
   // default: // do some work

Go memory model

  1. Happens before
    1. RW in single goroutine must obey program order (sequenced before)
    2. Op order observed by two different goroutines may differ
    3. Transitive closure of sequenced before and synchronized before relationships
  2. Synchronization of gorotines and channels (sync-before)
    1. go stmt that starts new goroutine is sync-before the goroutine’s execution
    2. send is sync-before rcv on the same channel
    3. close is sync-before a rcv returning zero-value
    4. rcv on unbuffered channel is sync-before send on that channel
    5. kth rcv on buffered channel C of size $C$ is sync-before k+Cth send