Concurrency Patterns in Go

Separation of concerns:


  1. Ad-hoc : Data only modified from one go-routine (though accessible from many)
  2. Lexical : Restrict access to shared locations
    1. e.g. exposing read-only or write-only access of a channel
    2. e.g. exposing only a slice of the array

for-select loop

for { // infinite loop or on range
   select {
      // Work with channels
      // Keep `select` as short as possible.

Stopping reader goroutines

Creating exit conditions to prevent accumulating of inactive readers: use of done channels

Fan-in Fan-out

Fan-out: Multiple goroutines handle input from the pipeline.

Fan-in: combine into one channel

Rule of thumb to best maximize concurrency: fan-out runtime.NumCPU() goroutines.

Context Management

Fan-out fan-in

fmt.Println is not threadsafe.

  1. sort output
    1. print after all outputs only
    2. deadlock if interactive IO
  2. Reorder buffer
    1. if waiting for event 2 and 3 comes, then put into buffer pos 3
    2. else if waiting for 3 and
  3. decentralized queue (passing a token??)
    1. higher order channels

Reordering between different channels/queues.

Fix with

The inherent problem in message passing.