Global Illumination

2 forms of rendering equations: Hemispherical and Area formulations.

Hemispherical: Integrates incoming radiance from the hemisphere around point $x$.

Area: Integrates incoming radiance from all surfaces in the scene. (Involved in radiosity computation).

Involves sending many rays, so it cannot be computed analytically. Instead can use iterative methods such as MCRT below.

Partial Global Illumination Global Illumination
Whitted Raytracing LD?S*E Path tracing L(D|S)*E
Distribution Raytracing LD?S*E Two-pass ray tracing LS+DS*E
Radiosity LD*E Photon-mapping LS+DS*E

Local Model: Whitted Ray tracing

Monte Carlo Raytracing

Monte Carlo techniques for solving integrals without analytic solution.

Algorithms are:

Generates random samples of integrand and averages the result.

\[\begin{aligned} I &= \int_a^b f(x) dx \\ &\approx \frac{b-a}{N} \sum^N_{i=1} f(\xi _i) \\ &= I_m \end{aligned}\]

Note that $\lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} I_m = I$.

For $N$ uniformly distributed random samples,

\[\left| I_m - I \right| = \frac{k}{\sqrt{n}}\]

Stratified sampling

Sample once per stratum (an equally sized subregion).

Error reduced to $k/N$.

Importance sampling

Sampling values with higher probabilities.

Works with knowledge of material’s BRDFs.

Problem: Hard to know the sampling distribution (even with BRDF) beforehand (e.g. caustics).

Distribution Ray Tracing LD?S*E

See previous chapter.

Same as Whitted ray tracing except all specular paths are calculated.

View dependent, partial global illumination.

  1. Area lights, soft shadows
  2. Blurred reflections/refractions (glossy)
  3. Anti-aliasing
  4. Depth of Field
  5. Motion Blur

Path tracing L(D|S)*E

View dependent, complete global illumination.

High computational cost: Needs to shoot many paths per pixel to reduce noise.

Examples of Noise

This happens due to lack of control over in which direction does the traced reflection/refraction ray shoot toward.

Two pass ray tracing LS*DS*E

Rays shot from light source (light “view”) and stored in lightmap, requires surface parameterization.

  1. Light pass: LS*D [View independent, saves results to light map]
  2. Eye pass: D?S*E [View dependent, uses results from light map]

Photon mapping LS*DS*E

Photons shot from light source (light “view”) and stored in lightmap.

Difference from 2-pass raytracing: Data structures

Key-value pair: Photon map values, unlike in light map, are stored with respect to a 3D position vector. Includes

Data structure is kd-tree: Efficient for querying $k$ closest photons about any 3D locaiton (for estimating outgoing radiance per surface point)


  1. Normal photon map
    1. Light source shoots photons
    2. Intersection with diffuse surface $\Rightarrow$ store value
    3. Randomly reflect, transmit or absorb [Russian Roulette, re-emission direction sampled from BRDF].
  2. Caustics photon map
    1. Light source shoots photons
    2. Intersection with diffuse surface $\Rightarrow$ store value and terminate
  3. Trace ray from eye and compute reflected radiance

Reflected radiance

Rendering value Explanation Example
Direct illumination Shadow ray
Specular reflection Specular/glossy reflections
Caustics Caustics photon map
Indirect illumination Tracing secondary rays to photon map