Diffuse-diffuse interactions are modelled, with principles of radiative heat transfer.
Scene discretized into perfectly diffuse patches.
View dependent, radiosity map contains constant radiosity per patch in scene.
Derived from Area formulation of rendering equation.
\[B(x) = E(x) + R(x) \int_S B(x') F(x', x) dA \\ B(x)dA_i = E(x)dA_i + R_i \int_j B_j F_{ji} dA_j \\ B(x)dA = E(x)dA + R_i \int_j B_j F_{ij} dA_i \\ \text{radiosity $\times$ area = emitted power $+$ reflected power}\]$F_{ij}$: Energy leaving $i$ and striking $j$ $\div$ Total energy leaving $i$ in hemisphere.
\[F_{ij} = \frac{1}{A_i} \int_{A_i}\int_{A_j} \frac{\cos \phi_i \phi_j}{\pi r^2} d_{A_i}d_{A_j}\]Approximation: The form factor from $i$ to $j$ can be approximated with the form factor from $dA_i$ to patch $j$.
\[F_{dA_iA_j} = \int_{A_j} \frac{\cos \phi_i \phi_j}{\pi r^2} d_{A_j}\] \[F_{ji}dA_j = F_{ij}dA_i $ \le 1 \quad \text{ for all } i,j\]Delta form factor: The form factor on each pixel on the hemicube
Form factor: $F_{ij} = \sum_k F_k$ for each pixel $k$ covered by projection patch to $j$ on the hemicube.
Computing hemicube delta form factors:
From each patch’s radiosity equation $B_i = E_i + R_i \int_j B_j F_{ij}$, we can get a system of $n$ linear equations that we can represent in a matrix.
Iteratively compute the equation below for each iteration $k$.
\[x_{i, k+1} = (E_i - a_{i1}x_{i,k} - \dots - a_{i,i-1}x_{i-1, k} - a_{i,i+1}x_{i+1, k} - \dots - a_{i,n}x_{n, k})/a_{ii}\]Gauss-Seidel:
\[x_{i, k+1} = (E_i - a_{i1}x_{i,\textcolor{red}{k+1}} - \dots - a_{i,i-1}x_{i-1, \textcolor{red}{k+1}} - a_{i,i+1}x_{i+1, k} - \dots - a_{i,n}x_{n, k})/a_{ii}\]Shooter patches:
Gatherer patches: