reading quiz

  1. Which of the following sentences involves syntactic/structural ambiguity?

  2. The English possessive -‘s attaches to the end of …?
    1. the end of a phrasal constituent (a whole NP).
    2. however different constituent structures that yield different NPs are possible.
  3. A single word can form a phrase. T/F?
    1. True (e.g. pronouns, wh-words)
  4. Which of the following is a proform?

Pro-forms are divided into several categories, according to which part of speech they substitute:

  1. Which of the following trees contains a recursive VP structure?
    1. [VP [VP bought that book] [PP with her first wages]]
      1. The PP is adjunct, can be separated from the complement “that book”

Constituency tests

  1. Kim wrote the book with the blue cover.
  2. Kim bought the book with her first wages.

Displacement: the displacement of phrase sets up dependency between the displaced phrase and the empty position associated with it.

Replacement by pronoun

If string of words can substitute with pronoun, it forms a constituent.

Sentence fragment tests

Echo question test

wh-word can replace a constituent

Cleft test

cleft construction: $X V Y [PP] \rightarrow It was Y that X V [PP]$

Do-so test

A VP can be replaced by a “do/did so”.

Coordination test

Only constituents of the same category can be coordinated.

\[X \rightarrow X \text{CONJ} X\]

RS within a tree

Each indiv lexical item is the smallest possible constituent (leaves of the syntax tree)

Parent node immediately dominates child node. Ancestor nodes dominate descendant nodes.

Verb classes and constituent structure tests