The sounds of language

Language is:

Each vocal tract movement = an articulatory gesture. To define an articulatory gesture,

Place of articulation

Active articulator: the “mover” articulator

Passive articulator: the place to which the active articulator moves

Active Articulator + Passive Articulator = Place of Articulation
lower lip upper lip labial
  upper teeth labio-dental
tongue front upper teeth dental
  alveolar ridge alveolar
  post-alveolar region retroflex (tip)
  post-alveolar region post-alveolar (blade)
tongue body hard palate palatal
  soft palate velar
larynx   laryngeal

Building descriptors:

PLACE Voiced/Voiceless/Nasal MANNER  
bilabial nasal plosive/stop m
dental voiceless fricative θ

Pulmonic consonant IPA chart

Affricates and Non-pulmonic consonants IPA chart


International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)

  1. Universal alphabet (every human language can be represented)
  2. Unambiguous (one-to-one sounds-symbols)

Types of transcription

Building blocks of speech

Airstream, Larynx, Velum

Airstream: By DEFAULT, is pulmonic egressive (unmarked). The limited case is marked

What exactly is "marked"?

Laryngeal: State of vocal folds [Vibrating, Closed, Open]

Manner of articulation

3 types of audible air:

  1. Pop [obstruent]
  2. Turbulence [obstruent]
  3. Resonance [sonorant]

Obstruent: Obstruction to the flow of air

Many obstruents are voiceless.

Voiced obstruents (stops/fricatives) are marked.

Sonorant: No buildup of pressure in vocal tract, we allow it to free flow and vibrate at different frequencies.

On approximants (laterals, trills, taps, flaps)

Laterals: stops the airflow down the centre of the vocal tract, air flow through side

Taps [up-down] and flaps [one-way] are often rhotics.

Approximants: constriction in the vocal tract

Most sonorants are voiced.

Unvoiced sonorants are marked

Contour vs complex segments

Contour segments: Start with one manner and end with another manner

Complex segments: 2 places of articulation are used at the same time


Determined by tongue position.

Vowels IPA chart
