8 - Disjoint Memory Management

Important reference for Page Tables


Type Page Logical Address Request
Paging page size $\times$ page number $+$ offset <page id, offset>
Segmentation <segment id, offset> <segment id, offset>
Segmentation with paging <segment id, page size $\times$ page number + offset> <segment id, page number, offset>


Physical Frames: Regions of fixed size in physical memory

Logical Pages: Logical memory is split into regions of same size

Pages loaded into any available memory frame. Implications:

Page Table: Lookup table that contains the mapping of logical pages to frames.

Logical Address Translation

Given page table $P$, page size $n$​ and the instruction load x from logical address, how to convert to physical memory address?

  1. Get logical page number $p = \lfloor x/n\rfloor$
  2. Get frame number $m = P(p)$
  3. Get physical memory address $a = mn + (x \mod n)$

Crucial assumption: page size = frame size [Design]



Cache the physical memory addresses translated to pages.


Page sharing



Text, Data, Heap, Stack become individual segments.

Logical Address Translation

Access with <segment id, offset>.

Segment Base (Starting address) Limit (Max offset)
0 (Text)
1 (Data)
2 (Heap)
3 (Stack)

Logical Address Translation

Hardware Support

Hardware operations

Note: The segment table above is in physical memory, not cached. The addressing error is the issued interrupt signal, i.e. invalid physical address of any sort is never returned.



Segmentation with Paging

Each segment has its own page table as an entry in the segment table.

Now each request is <segment id, page number, page offset>.

Segment table consists of <segment id, page table address>.

Each page table then contains the <page number, frame number>.

Segment memory regions

Memory Management Unit

Memory Management Unit

The memory management unit (to be better understood in Chapter 10) is providing the hardware support for checking the address requests.